credit Card After Bankruptcy

What do you want of Home Loans After Bankruptcy ?.

People commonly assume that bankruptcy means the end to any sort of prestige options like loans and getting a prestige card. However, this is blatantly not true. You can authentically get a prestige card after bankruptcy if you go about applying the right way.

Now, the first thing that all card fellowships will judge you by is your prestige score. Assuming you have authentically declared bankruptcy, this is a big negative on your prestige report. Many prestige card fellowships will not want to give you an unsecured card until you can prove to them that you can make the payments on time and not default.

Home Loans After Bankruptcy

So prove it. The key here is to enhance your prestige history to the point where you will be accepted for a card if you apply. Enhancing your prestige can take a year or more however. You will need to be paying bills that are recorded by one of the prestige agencies. This could be something like a cell phone bill or even a mortgage if you still have one after bankruptcy.

You need to show that there are not late payments or missed payments on your record. You should commonly wait about 2 years before applying for a prestige card after bankruptcy. This is to show the card fellowships you have any year duration of being able to pay your bills on time. If you have been doing so, you stand a good opportunity of secured a prestige card when you apply.

If you cannot get an unsecured card, you can always get a secured card from a bank. But you will need to make a deposit to the bank, which they will hold for any months to a year; the deposit estimate will be your actual prestige limit.

credit Card After Bankruptcy

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